Lag Ba-Omer and Shavuot Songs

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From Israel with Love!


Number of CD(s) in package: 1

This great album will add a real Israeli touch to your home as Spring transitions into summer.  Containing 16 of the best loved Israeli songs traditionally sung on or around the holidays of Lag Ba-Omer and Shavuot, all are beautifully performed and recorded.

1. Kishatnu Al Shichmeinu

2. Lag Ba-Omer Ba

3. Bar Kohba

4. Natzita Esh

5. Medurat Lag Ba-Omer

6. Mi Lochesh

7. Esh Esh

8. Saleinu Al Ketfeinu

9. Ve-Hag Ha-Shavuot Ta'ase Lecha

10. Kshe Kiblu Et Ha-Torah

11. Yom Shel Ziv

12. Bikurim Rashit Ha-Pri

13. Malu Asameinu Bar

14. Navi Bikurim

15. Shibolet Ba-Sade

16. Eretz Halav Zahav

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