Ofra Haza. Songs for Children (1982)

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Number of CD(s) in package: 1

Ofra Haza, possibly the most beloved singer in Israel's history, was also among the most versatile.  This fantastic album shows a rarely heard side of her - 30 songs recorded just for children.  It's time for a new generation to get to know Ofra Haza.

The CD comes with a booklet featuring the lyrics to all the songs in the original Hebrew.

Activity Songs

1.   Haiparon Berogez

2.   Eser Etzbaot Li

3.   Agudal Agudali

4.   Yesh Lanu Tayish

5.   Shnayim Sinim

6.   Ani Menagen

7.   Bnu Gesher Mezahav

8.   Buba Yamima

Songs For Mommy and Daddy

9.   Imma Yekara Li

10. Abba Sapar Li Sippur

Good Night Songs

11. Pizmon Likinton

12. Shiri Li Shir Eresh

13. Shchav Beni

14. Numi Numi

Let's Build

15. Mi Yivneh Bayit

16. Havu Leveinim

17. Dunam Po Vedunam Sham

18. Mil'u Asameinu Bar

Traveling Songs

19. Ahinu Hanehag

20. Etzeh Li El Haya'ar

21. Shibolet Basadeh

22. Aggada

23. Or Havatzalot

24. Zemer Zemer Lach

Songs of the Seasons

25. Shir Hageshem

26. Pana Hageshem

27. Shneim Asar Yerehim

Sabbath Songs

28. Kol Haolam Kulo Gesher Tzar Meod

29. Hayom Yom Shishi

30. Lecha Dodi

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