Yanshuf Advanced HebNews. An Easy-Hebrew Newspaper. One Year Subscription

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Yanshuf is the sister publication of Easy HebNews, a beginner's easy-Hebrew newspaper.  Our recommendation to beginners is to start out reading Easy HebNews, and turn to Yanshuf  later, after acquiring further language skills.

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Yanshuf is an easy-level Hebrew magazine intended for all ages. It includes current events from Israel and around the World and sections of sport, culture, movies, science, computers, holidays, crosswords, activities and more.

Yanshuf features:

- Attached to every issue a Hebrew-English translation Dictionary page.
- The magazine is published every two weeks.
- Subscription - 18 issues
- The magazine is not published during the months of July-August and Jewish Holidays.
- The articles come with different levels of pronunciation to help the readers practice their reading.
- The articles in the magazine also come with explanations for the terms and concepts mentioned, so readers have a better understanding of the subjects.
- The magazine consists of 16 pages, 35 X 25 cm.
- Yanshuf is recognized by the Israeli Ministry of Education and is used as an educational product by hundreds of schools throughout the country.

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